Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Digital Fortress Chapter 35
Becker sta ruby-red in shock at Rocio. You sold the repeat?The woman nodded, her silky red hair falling around her shoulders.Becker willed it not to be true. Pero butShe shrugged and said in Spanish, A girl near the park.Becker felt his legs go weak. This cant beRocio smiled coyly and motioned to the German. El queria que lo guardara. He wanted to keep it, but I told him no. Ive got Gitana blood in me, Gypsy blood we Gitanas, in addition to having red hair, ar very superstitious. A forebode get rid ofered by a dying man is not a good sign.Did you know the girl? Becker interrogated.Rocio arched her eyebrows. Vaya. You really want this ring, dont you?Becker nodded sternly. Who did you sell it to?The enormous German sat bewildered on the bed. His romantic evening was being ruined, and he apparently had no idea why. Was passiert? he asked nervously. Whats hazard?Becker ignored him.I didnt actually sell it, Rocio said. I tried to, but she was safe a kid and had no money. I ended up well-favoured it to her. Had I known roughly your generous offer, I would have saved it for you.Why did you leave the park? Becker demanded. Somebody had died. Why didnt you wait for the police? And turn over them the ring?I solicit many matters, Mr. Becker, but trouble is not one of them. Be aspects, that old man seemed to have things under control.The Canadian?Yes, he called the ambulance. We persistent to leave. I saw no reason to involve my date or myself with the police.Becker nodded absently. He was still trying to accept this cruel twist of fate. She gave the damn thing awayI tried to help the dying man, Rocio explained. But he didnt seem to want it. He started with the ring-kept pushing it in our faces. He had these three spunky fingers sticking up. He kept pushing his hand at us-like we were supposed to take the ring. I didnt want to, but my friend here finally did. then(prenominal) the guy died.And you tried CPR? Becker guessed.No. We didnt touch him. My friend got scared. Hes big, but hes a wimp. She smiled seductively at Becker. Dont worry-he cant speak a word of Spanish.Becker frowned. He was wonder again about the bruises on Tankados chest. Did the paramedics give CPR?I have no idea. As I told you, we left before they arrived.You mean after you take the ring. Becker scowled.Rocio glared at him. We did not steal the ring. The man was dying. His intentions were clear. We gave him his last wish.Becker softened. Rocio was right he probably would have done the same damn thing. But then you gave the ring to some girl?I told you. The ring made me nervous. The girl had lots of jewelry on. I suasion she might like it.And she didnt hold it was strange? That youd just give her a ring?No. I told her I found it in the park. I thought she might offer to pay me for it, but she didnt. I didnt care. I just wanted to get rid of it.When did you give it to her?Rocio shrugged. This afternoon. About an hour after I got it. Becker checked his watch 1148 p.m. The rail was eight hours old. What the hell am I doing here? Im supposed to be in the Smokys. He sighed and asked the only question he could think of. What did the girl figure like?Era un punki, Rocio replied.Becker looked up, puzzled. Un punki?Si. Punki.A punk?Yes, a punk, she said in rough English, and then immediately switched back to Spanish. Mucha joyeria. Lots of jewelry. A weird pendent in one ear. A skull, I think.There are punk rockers in Seville?Rocio smiled. Todo bajo el sol. Everything under the sun. It was the motto of Sevilles Tourism Bureau.Did she give you her soma?No.Did she say where she was going?No. Her Spanish was poor.She wasnt Spanish? Becker asked.No. She was English, I think. She had wild hair-red, white, and blue.Becker winced at the bizarre image. Maybe she was American, he offered.I dont think so, Rocio said. She was wearing a T-shirt that looked like the British flag.Becker nodded dumbly. Okay. Red, white, and blue hair, a British flag T-shirt, a sku ll pendant in her ear. What else?Nothing. Just your average punk. average out punk? Becker was from a world of collegiate sweatshirts and conservative haircuts-he couldnt even picture what the woman was talking about. Can you think of anything else at all? he pressed.Rocio thought a moment. No. Thats it.Just then the bed creaked loudly. Rocios client shifted his weight uncomfortably. Becker turned to him and spoke influent German. Noch et was? Anything else? Anything to help me invite the punk rocker with the ring?There was a long silence. It was as if the giant man had something he wanted to say, but he wasnt sure how to say it. His lower lip quivered momentarily, on that point was a pause, and then he spoke. The four words that came out were definitely English, but they were barely intelligible beneath his thick German accent. Fock off und die.Becker gaped in shock. I beg your pardon?Fock off und die, the man repeated, patting his left palm against his fleshy right forearm-a cru de approximation of the Italian gesture for fuck you.Becker was in like manner drained to be offended. Fuck off and die? What happened to Das Wimp? He turned back to Rocio and spoke in Spanish. Sounds like Ive overstayed my welcome.Dont worry about him. She laughed. Hes just a little frustrated. Hell get whats coming to him. She tossed her hair and winked.Is there anything else? Becker asked. Anything you can tell me that might help?Rocio shook her head. Thats all. But youll never find her. Seville is a big city-it can be very deceptive.Ill do the best I can. Its a matter of national securityIf you have no luck, Rocio said, eyeing the bulge envelope in Beckers pocket, please stop back. My friend will be sleeping, no doubt. Knock quietly. Ill find us an extra room. Youll see a side of Spain youll never forget. She pouted lusciously.Becker forced a polite smile. I should be going. He apologized to the German for interrupting his evening.The giant smiled timidly. Keine Ursache.Becker headed out the door. No problem? Whatever happened to Fuck off and die?
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